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Adding Tests Procedures, Repair Procedures and Reference Documents

Run-Time Authoring Tool – Adding Procedures and Reference Documents

Documents for test, repair and reference can be added in multiple ways and are design to provide information at every step of the troubleshooting process. Document types may include: test setup, test procedure, repair setup, repair procedure, calibration details, test requirements documents and component specification sheets. References to these documents may appear in guided troubleshooting, the design views or context menus (right-click menus) for tests, fault groups and components in the design view.

Documents in Guided Troubleshooting

In guided troubleshooting, document usually consist of test and fault group setup or procedures and may include any additional data required to perform the test or the repair. In the Run-Time Authoring Tool these document details may be directly derived from the model data imported from the eXpress design or may be directly added in the Run-Time Authoring Tool by attaching external documents such as PDF, RTF or MS Word documents. Multiple document tabs can be configured to appear in the guided troubleshooting interface to display multiple documents simultaneously if required.

Document configuration for Guided Troubleshooting in DSI Workbench

Document configuration for Guided Troubleshooting in DSI Workbench

Documents as Design Views

PDF files of test requirements documents or technical manuals may be added as design views. When added like this the document will appear in one of the view panels in DSI Workbench and may be set to interact with the diagnostic by actively coloring in components in the current suspect list or by linking to component details from mapped regions of the document.

Reference Documents

Reference documents can be attached to tests or components in the design. Reference documents can be of any document type including videos and require that the viewer for the document by installed on the system in addition to DSI Workbench. Reference documents use the standard windows file associations to open and view a document or video.

Reference documents using the portable document file (PDF) standard or rich text file (RTF) can be used as test and fault group procedures in addition to a document reference for tests and components.

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