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MIL-STD-2165 Released

Posted June 16th, 2016 in by admin

The work of Ralph De Paul paid off to get the Testability requirements in the 2165 Testability Standard. This set the base for future program Testability needs. However, as of 1986, there still many areas which could be improved. From a proposal on Generic Integrated Diagnostics “Currently there are gaps in fault isolation and detection at all levels of maintenance: high false alarm rates, high “cannot duplicate” rates, and high “retest OK” rates. These problems must be resolved before any significant improvements in aircraft availability can be achieved.” Ironically, 30 years later in 2016, studies are being proposed to solve these issues. The solution has been there for 30 years and is more viable today than ever! But, what does it take to convince the customers to include the Diagnostic Solution in requirements to implement an existing and powerful solution? The cost of misdirected funds that have been allocated on Integrated Diagnostics solutions has been astronomical with little, if any real benefits to show from this!
